Andžāns, M., & Djatkoviča, E. (2023). The Global Gateway and Central Asia: Toward an EU-led Post-New Silk Road. Riga: Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga.
With a foreword by Nargis Kassenova.
This report advocates for the Central Asian vector as one of the most promising in the Global Gateway. It calls for the development of an EU-led post-New Silk Road, rooted in the values set out by the Global Gateway and the interests of both the EU and Central Asian countries. An EU-led post-New Silk Road would involve – but would not be limited to – developing ambitious intermodal transport connections, digital highways, and energy interconnections linking the two regions and circumventing Russia. Connecting these regions would naturally further bind the EU members that comprise the Three Seas Initiative and the EU’s candidate countries to the East and to the EU’s partners in Caucasus.
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