Dr. Māris Andžāns
Director of the Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Academic networks: Academia.edu, ResearchGate.net, ORCID iD
Social networks: LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
E-mail: maris.andzans@geopolitics.center
Māris Andžāns, Dr.sc.pol., is the Director of the Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga and an Associate Professor at Riga Stradins University.
He is also a Associate Fellow at the Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Previously, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard University Davis Center, a Fellow at the Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn, Germany and a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. He was also the Vice Rector of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and Senior Researcher at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
He has authored more than 110 publications, primarily on security and defense issues of the Baltic states, but also Central Asia, as well as transport and digital policies.
Dr. Andžāns has ten years of experience in the public administration of Latvia. He served in positions related to the coordination of EU and NATO issues, security of transport and communications, civil-military cooperation, aviation, electronic communications, and postal issues. Among other duties, he has served as the Chairman of the National Cyber Security Council of Latvia and the Dangerous Goods Movement Consultative Council of Latvia.
List of publications:
Andžāns, M. (2025). Three Decades of Baltic Military Cooperation and the Way Ahead. Foreign Policy Research Institute. https://www.fpri.org/article/2025/02/three-decades-of-baltic-military-cooperation-and-the-way-ahead/
Andžāns, M. & Kažocinš, J. (2024). Three Decades of Baltic Military Cooperation and the Way Ahead. Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga. https://www.geopolitics.center/outputs/three-decades-of-baltic-military-cooperation-and-the-way-ahead
Andžāns, M. (2024). An Armed Russian Drone Shakes Latvia’s Defense System. Foreign Policy Research Institute. https://www.fpri.org/article/2024/09/an-armed-russian-drone-shakes-latvias-defense-system/
Andžāns, M. (2024). Societal Perceptions in Transition from a Borderland to a Frontline: Latvia’s Latgale During the War in Ukraine. European Foreign Affairs Review, 29(Spec. issue), 53-70. https://kluwerlawonline.com/journalarticle/European+Foreign+Affairs+Review/29.5/EERR2024021
Andžāns, M. (2024). Do Baltic Russian Speakers Blame Russia for the War in Ukraine? Foreign Policy Research Institute & Harvard University Davis Center. https://www.fpri.org/article/2024/06/do-baltic-russian-speakers-blame-russia-for-the-war-in-ukraine/ & https://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/insights/do-latvias-russian-speakers-blame-russia-war-ukraine
Andžāns, M. & Kažocinš, J. (2024). What will the geopolitical scene look like in 2050? Baltic Times. https://www.baltictimes.com/what_will_the_geopolitical_scene_look_like_in_2050__in_any_case__it_is_time_to_tighten_our_seatbelts_/
Ģērmanis, K. & Andžāns, M. (2024). Latvia and African Countries: At the Beginning of a New Road. Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga. https://www.geopolitics.center/outputs/latvia-and-african-countries-at-the-beginning-of-a-new-road
Andžāns, M. (2024). The first year of conscription in Latvia: starting safe but ahead of a bumpy road. Foreign Policy Research Institute. https://www.fpri.org/article/2024/05/the-first-year-of-conscription-in-latvia/
Andžāns, M. & Kažocinš, J. (2024). Growing anxiety about a possible second Trump presidency. How Europe is preparing for Trump II. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. https://www.swp-berlin.org/publications/products/arbeitspapiere/European_Perspectives_on_Trump_II_WP_von_Daniels_Major_von_Ondarza.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2023). Canada’s military mission in Latvia: Six years down, many more to come. Macdonald-Laurier Institute. https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/canada-in-latvia/
Andžāns, M. (2023). Amity and enmity in regional security complexes: public and official perceptions in Latvia after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/11926422.2023.2242971
Andžāns, M. (2023). Doubling Down on the Baltics. Internationale Politik Quarterly. https://ip-quarterly.com/en/doubling-down-baltics
Andžāns, M. (2023). Latvia Applauds the Return to Conscription. Center for European Policy Analysis. https://cepa.org/article/latvia-applauds-the-return-to-conscription/
Andžāns, M. (2023). Small Powers, Geopolitical Crisis and Hypersecuritisation: Latvia and the Effects of Russia’s Second War in Ukraine. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 17(2), pp. 138-162. https://www.cejiss.org/small-powers-geopolitical-crisis-and-hypersecuritisation-latvia-and-the-effects-of-russia-s-second-war-in-ukraine
Andžāns, M. (2023). Latvia’s Military Industry Marks its First Decade. Foreign Policy Research Institute. https://www.fpri.org/article/2023/05/latvias-military-industry-marks-its-first-decade/
Andžāns, M., & Djatkoviča, E. (2023). The Global Gateway and Central Asia: Toward an EU-led Post-New Silk Road. Riga: Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga.
Andžāns, M. (2023). The Three Seas Initiative and Latvia: a post-summit loyalty test looms. In: A-M. A Anghelescu & I. Oneașcă (Eds.), Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the Common Agenda, Bucharest: European Institute of Romania, pp. 22-23, http://ier.gov.ro/en/news/editorial-release-anticipating-the-2023-three-seas-initiative-bucharest-summit-advancing-the-common-agenda/
Andžāns, M. (2023). Latvia Poised to Summon Conscripts as Russian Menace Grows. Center for European Policy Analysis, https://cepa.org/article/latvia-poised-to-return-to-conscription-as-russian-menace-grows/
Andžāns, M. (2023). Between past and future wars and military technologies. In: Stories of the Security and Defence Industry of Latvia. Riga: Madris, pp. 34-45. http://www.madris.lv/?s=1274036307&act=a&id=424
Andžāns, M. (2023). Starp pagātnes un nākotnes kariem un militārajām tehnoloģijām. In: Latvijas Drošības un aizsardzības industrijas stāsti. Rīga: Madris, pp. 34-45. http://www.madris.lv/?s=1274036307&act=a&id=424
Bērziņa, I., Krūmiņš, G., Šiliņš, J. & Andžāns, M., (2023). History perceptions and national identity among Latvian youth: Entrapped between narratives of Latvia and Russia? Nations and Nationalism, 29(2), pp. 700-717, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nana.12930?af=R
Andžāns, M., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A., The Belt and Road Initiative and the Uneven Triangle of Latvia, Belarus, and China. In: P.A.B. Duarte, F.J.B.S Leandro & E.M. Galán (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics, pp. 609–621, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-6700-9_36
Andžāns, M. & Djatkoviča, E. (2022). Aizsardzība un drošība. In: R. Bambals (Ed.), Rokasgrāmata pret dezinformāciju: atpazīt un pretoties. Valsts kanceleja, pp. 123-141, https://www.mk.gov.lv/lv/media/14255/download
Andžāns, M. & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2022). China in the Baltic States – from a cause of hope to anxiety. Riga: Rīga Stradiņš University. https://doi.org/10.25143/China-in-the-Baltic-States_2022_ISBN_9789934618154
Andžāns, M. (2022). The Baltic Road to Energy Independence from Russia Is Nearing Completion, Baltic Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, https://www.fpri.org/article/2022/05/the-baltic-road-to-energy-independence-from-russia-is-nearing-completion/
Andžāns, M. (2022). Energieinsel mit Kurs auf Unabhängigkeit, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, https://www.ipg-journal.de/rubriken/wirtschaft-und-oekologie/artikel/energieinsel-auf-dem-weg-in-die-unabhaengigkeit-5917/
Andžāns, M. (2022). Путь Балтии к отказу от российского газа почти завершен, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, https://www.ipg-journal.io/regiony/evropa/put-baltii-k-otkazu-ot-rossiiskogo-gaza-pochti-zavershen-1485/
Andžāns, M. (2022). Fear, solidarity, and calls for further action in the Baltics as Russia invades Ukraine, Baltic Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, https://www.fpri.org/article/2022/03/fear-solidarity-and-calls-for-further-action-in-the-baltics-as-russia-invades-ukraine/
Andžāns, M. (2022). Wut, Angst und Solidarität im Baltikum, Die Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung, https://paz.de/artikel/wut-angst-und-solidaritaet-im-baltikum-a6401.html
Andžāns, M. (2022). Latvia’s Military Defense and Cyber Defense: Growth Continues, but Room for Progress is not Decreasing. In S. Broka, & A. Sprūds (Eds.), The Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2022 (pp. 108-124). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2022-956?get_file=2
Andžāns, M. (2022). Latvijas militārā aizsardzība un kiberaizsardzība: Izaugsme turpinās, bet vieta progresam nekļūst mazāka. In S. Broka, & A. Sprūds (Eds.), Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika. Gadagrāmata 2022 (pp. 108-124). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. https://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2022-956?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2021). Latvia: Country perspectives. (pp. 17). (SWP Working Papers (Euro-Atlantic Concerns regarding a US »Sole Purpose« Policy); No. 4 (2021)). German Institute for International and Security Affairs. https://doi.org/10.18449/2021WP13
Andžāns, M. (2021). Multi-ethnic societies and willingness to defend one’s own country: Russian-speakers in the Baltic states. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, (19), 1, p. 47-68. https://journals.lka.lt/journal/lasr/article/1928/info
Andžāns, M., Atstukevičs, A., Bērziņa, I., Broka, A., Birziņš, I., Buholcs, J., Dāvidsone, A., Krūmiņš, G., Kūkoja, K., Ločmele, L., Rajevska, F., Silkāne, V., & Šiliņš, J. (2021). Kā neapmaldīties nākotnē ? Piederības un līdzdalības loma demokrātiskas sabiedrības stiprināšanā Latvijā. Vidzemes Augstskola. https://va.lv/sites/default/files/KaaNeapmaldiitiesNaakotnee_makets_WEB.pdf
Andžāns, M., Djatkoviča, E., & Sprūds, A. (Eds.) (2021). Post-2020 Belarus: Security and Defence Implications for the Baltic States, Poland, and NATO. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://liia.lv/en/publications/post-2020-belarus-security-and-defence-implications-for-the-baltic-states-poland-and-nato-949?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Juurvee, I. (2021). Elutähtsa taristu kaitsmine muutuvas julgeolekukeskkonnas Norra ja Balti riikide näitel. Diplomaatia, (207), 60-63.
Andžāns, M., Gajauskaitė, I., Juurvee, I., Palkova, A., Yeh, Y-Y., & Vargulis, M. (2021). Willingness to Defend Own Country in the Baltic States: Implications for National Security and NATO’s Collective Defence. Rīga Stradiņš University. https://doi.org/10.25143/willingness_to_defend_2021_ISBN_9789934563997
Andžāns, M., Sprūds, A., & Sverdrup, U. (Eds.) (2021). Critical infrastructure in the Baltic states and Norway: strategies and practices of protection and communication. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.lai.lv/publikacijas/critical-infrastructure-in-the-baltic-states-and-norway-strategies-and-practices-of-protection-and-c-944?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Latvia–Russia Relations: Landscape for Desecuritization or Further Securitization? Social Sciences, 10(9), [323]. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10090323
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2021). Securitization and desecuritization of Russia in the national security and defence concepts of Latvia (1995-2020). Journal of International Studies, 14(1), 190-200. https://doi.org/10.14254/2071-8330.2021/14-1/13
Sprūds, A., Andžāns, M., & Djatkoviča, E. (Eds.) (2021). Baltic and Nordic Responses to the 2020 Post-Election Crisis in Belarus. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.liia.lv/en/publications/baltic-and-nordic-responses-to-the-2020-post-election-crisis-in-belarus-914?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2021). Latvia's defence: still gradually advancing. In A. Sprūds, & S. Broka (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy: Yearbook 2021 (pp. 73-83). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2021-902?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2021). Latvijas aizsardzība: joprojām pakāpeniski uz priekšu. In A. Sprūds, & S. Broka (Eds.), Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika: Gadagrāmata 2021 (pp. 72-82). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. https://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2021-902?get_file=2
Andžāns, M., Bukovskis, K., & Sprūds, A. (2020). Europeanization by European Parliament Political Groups: The Case of Latvia 2004-2019. Baltic Journal of Law and Politics, 13(2), 76-108. https://doi.org/10.2478/bjlp-2020-0012
Sprūds, A., Andžāns, M., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A., Bukovskis, K., Kleinberga, V., & Bikovs, A. (2020). Starptautiskās attīstības scenāriji COVID-19 pandēmijas kontekstā: pētījums. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte.
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2020). Three-Decade Evolution of the Willingness to Defend One’s Own Country: the Case of the Baltic States. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 18(1), 195-220. https://doi.org/10.47459/lasr.2020.18.9
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2020). Willingness to defend one's own country and to resist in the Baltic states. Security and Defence Quarterly, 30(3), 15-30. https://doi.org/10.35467/sdq/124712
Andžāns, M. (2020). Drošībošanas teorija, starptautiskās drošības pētniecībā. In V. Ščerbinskis (Ed.), Nacionālā enciklopēdija Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka. https://enciklopedija.lv/skirklis/32011-drošībošanas-teorija,-starptautiskās-drošības-pētniecībā
Andžāns, M. (2020). Kopenhāgenas skola, starptautiskās drošības pētniecībā. In V. Ščerbinskis (Ed.), Nacionālā encikopēdija Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka. https://enciklopedija.lv/skirklis/40315-Kopenhāgenas-skola,-starptautiskās-drošības-pētniecībā
Andžāns, M. (2020). Latvia. In S. Weiss (Ed.), Europe’s Coherence Gap in External Crisis and Conflict Management: Political Rhetoric and Institutional Practices in the EU and Its Member States (pp. 215-223). Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung . https://www.digitale-schule-gt.de/fileadmin/files/BSt/Publikationen/imported/leseprobe/1_911_Leseprobe.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2020). Latvian defence: Gradually advancing. In Latvian Foreign and Security Policy. Yearbook 2020 (pp. 118-129). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2020-831
Andžāns, M. (2020). Latvijas aizsardzība: Pakāpeniski uz priekšu. In Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika. Gadagrāmata 2020 (pp. 118-129). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts.
Andžāns, M., & Vargulis, M. (2020). Note by the Editors. In M. Andžāns, & M. Vargulis (Eds.), Towards #NATO2030: The Regional Perspective of the Baltic States and Poland (pp. 8). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.lai.lv/publikacijas/towards-nato2030-the-regional-perspective-of-the-baltic-states-and-poland-896
Bērziņa, I., Krūmiņš, G., Buholcs, J., Dāvidsone, A., Silkāne, V., Zaķis, Z., Kleinberga, V., Rožukalne, A., Tīfentāle, A., Savicka, V., Freimane, G., Grūzītis, N., Mežzīle, S., Murinska, S., Šapale, S., Aņisimova, A., Andžāns, M., Sedlenieks, K., Palkova, K., ... Žabicka, A. (2020). Projekta papildu rezultāts Nr. 34: Priekšlikumi par optimālākajiem dažādu sabiedrības grupu informēšanas veidiem un kanāliem, viltus ziņu novēršanu, balstoties uz COVID-19 izplatības mazināšanai noteikto ierobežojumu periodā veiktā informatīvā un metodiskā atbalsta novērtējumu. Rīga Stradiņš University.
Andžāns, M. (2020). Reģionālās drošības kompleksu teorija, starptautiskās drošības pētniecībā. In V. Ščerbinskis (Ed.), Nacionālā enciklopēdija Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka. https://enciklopedija.lv/skirklis/40320-reģionālās-drošības-kompleksu-teorija,-starptautiskās-drošības-pētniecībā
Andžāns, M. (2020). Starptautiskā drošība, starptautiskās politikas pētniecībā. In V. Ščerbinskis (Ed.), Nacionālā enciklopēdija Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka. https://enciklopedija.lv/skirklis/4264-starptautiskā-drošība,-starptautiskās-politikas-pētniecībā
Andžāns, M., & Vargulis, M. (Eds.) (2020). Towards #NATO2030: The Regional Perspective of the Baltic States and Poland. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.lai.lv/publikacijas/towards-nato2030-the-regional-perspective-of-the-baltic-states-and-poland-896
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2020). Tris dešimtmečius vykstanti pasiryžimo ginti savo šalį evoliucija: Baltijos šalių atvejis. Lietuvos metinė strateginė apžvalga , 18(1), 187–211. https://doi.org/10.47459/lmsa.2020.18.9
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2019). Central Asia in 2030: SEnECA forecasts for the region and the role of the European Union. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 13). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/48711
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2019). Cultural relations-Analysis of the EU’s comparative advantages and Central Asian interests.(SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 12). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/48494
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2019). Economic relations and trade - Analysis of the EU’s comparative advantages and Central Asian interests. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 11). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/48493
Andžāns, M., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A., Granelli, F., Gravelines, J-P., Hills, M., Holmstrom, M., Klus, A., Martinez-Sanchez, I., Mattiisen, M., Molder, H., Morakabati, Y., Pamment, J., Sari, A., Sazonov, V., Simons, G., & Terra, J. (2019). Hybrid Threats. A Strategic Communications Perspective. NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence. https://stratcomcoe.org/pdfjs/?file=/publications/download/2nd_book_short_digi_pdf.pdf?zoom=page-fit
Andžāns, M. (2019). Latvia's Defence in 2018: More Money - More Oppurtunities and Challenges. In A. Sprūds, E. Vizgunova, & S. Broka (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2019 (pp. 96-108). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2019-770?get_file=2
Andžāns, M. (2019). Latvijas aizsardzība 2018. gadā: vairāk naudas - vairāk iespēju un arī izaicinājumu. In A. Sprūds, E. Vizgunova, & S. Broka (Eds.), Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika. Gadagrāmata 2019 (pp. 96-108). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. http://liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2019-770?get_file=1
Sprūds, A., Andžāns, M., & Šrāders, S. (Eds.) (2019). NATO at 70 in the Baltic Sea Region: the Rīga Conference Papers 2019. Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2019). Political and security relations - Analysis of the EU’s comparative advantages and Central Asian interests. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 10). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/48492
Andžāns, M. (Ed.) (2019). Starptautiskā drošība: rakstu krājums. (Pilsoniskā izglītība). Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka.
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Cultural and other relations - Mapping Central Asia’s relations with other Asian states. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 8). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47242
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Cultural and other relations - Mapping EU-Central Asia relations. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 7). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47241
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Cultural and other relations - Mapping strategies of Russia, USA and China towards Central Asia. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 9). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47243
Romanovs, U., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Digital Infantry Battlefield Solution. Research and Innovation. DIBS project. Part III. Milrem. http://liia.lv/en/publications/digital-infantry-battlefield-solution-research-and-innovation-part-three-781?get_file=1
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Economic relations and trade - Mapping Central Asia’s relations with other Asian states. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 5). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47237
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Economic relations and trade - Mapping EU-Central Asia relations. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 4). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47236
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Economic relations and trade - Mapping strategies of Russia, USA and China towards Central Asia. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 6). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47239
Andžāns, M., & Andžāns, K. (2018). External vectors of the Latvian transport sector. In A. Sprūds, & I. Bruģe (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy: Yearbook 2018 (pp. 198-212). Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A., & Andžāns, M. (2018). Latvia: a pragmatic approach without making significant concessions to China. In T. N. Ruhlig, B. Jerden, F. P. van der Putten, J. Seaman, M. Otero-Iglesias, & A. Ekman (Eds.), Political values in Europe-China relations: a report by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) (pp. 55-58). The Swedish Institute of International Affairs. https://www.ifri.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/full-report-web-version_updated_2019.pdf
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2018). Latvijas ārējā un aizsardzības politika kopš 1991. gada. In I. Ījabs, & I. Misāns (Eds.), Latvija 1918-2018 : valstiskuma gadsimts (pp. 233-247). Mansards.
Andžāns, M. (2018). Latvijas drošība paredzami neparedzamā starptautiskajā vidē. In A. Sprūds, V. Ščerbinskis, & K. Bukovskis (Eds.), Latvijas ārlietu simtgade: scenāriji nākotnei (pp. 61-74). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts.
Andžāns, M., & Andžāns, K. (2018). Latvijas transporta nozares ārējie vektori. In A. Sprūds, & I. Bruģe (Eds.), Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika. Gadagrāmata 2018 (pp. 198-212). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts.
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (2018). Lettlands Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik seit 1991. In E. Oberländer, J. Kusber, I. Ijabs, & I. Misans (Eds.), Lettland 1918-2018 : Ein Jahrhundert Staatlichkeit (pp. 166-177). Brill.
Andžāns, M., & Romanovs, U. (2018). NATO enhanced forward presence in Latvia - a historic confirmation of the realiability of article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. In A. Spruds, & I. Bruge (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy. Yearbook 2018 (pp. 66-77). Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Andžāns, M., & Romanovs, U. (2018). NATO paplašinātā klātbūtne Latvijā - vēsturiska Ziemeļatlantijas līguma 5. panta darbības apstiprināšana praksē. In A. Sprūds, & I. Bruģe (Eds.), Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika. Gadagrāmata 2018 (pp. 67-79). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts.
Gussarova, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Political and security relations-Mapping Central Asia’s relations with other Asian states. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 2). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47234
Gussarova, A. (Ed.), Andžāns, M. (Ed.), & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2018). Political and security relations - Mapping EU-Central Asia relations. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 1). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47233
Gussarova, A. (Ed.), Andžāns, M. (Ed.), & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2018). Political and security relations - Mapping strategies of Russia, USA and China towards Central Asia. (SEnECA-Policy Paper: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations; No. 3). DuEPublico. https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/47235
Sprūds, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2018). Security of the Baltic Sea Region Revisited amid the Baltic Centenary: the Rīga Conference Papers 2018. Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Andžāns, M. (2018). The security of Latvia in a predictably unpredictable international environment. In K. Bukovskis, A. Sprūds, & V. Ščerbinskis (Eds.), The Centenary of Latvia's Foreign Affairs: Scenarios for the Future (pp. 60-73). Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Andžāns, M. (2017). Towards the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU: Lessons from Latvia. Diplomaatia, (163).
Andžāns, M., & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2017). "16+1" and China in Latvian Foreign Policy: Between Values and Interests. In A. Sprūds, K. Bukovskis, & I. Bruģe (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2017 (pp. 163-171). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://www.liia.lv/en/publications/latvian-foreign-and-security-policy-yearbook-2017-577
Andžāns, M. (2017). A Bridge between the East and the West? The Case of the Latvian Cargo Transit Sector. In A. Sprūds, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), Riga Dialogue Afterthoughts 2017: Transforming Euro-Atlantic Security Landscapes (pp. 116-127). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/riga-dialogue-afterthoughts-2017-transforming-euro-atlantic-security-landscapes-638?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2017). Assessing (the Lack of) Chinese Investment in Latvia. In J. Seaman, M. Huotari, & M. Otero-Iglesias (Eds.), Chinese Investment in Europe: A Country-Level Approach (pp. 87-92). French Institute of International Relations. https://www.ifri.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/etnc_reports_2017_final_20dec2017.pdf
Andžāns, M., & Veebel, V. (2017). Deterrence Dilemma in Latvia and Estonia: Finding the Balance between External Military Solidarity and Territorial Defence. Journal on Baltic Security, 3(2), 29-41. https://doi.org/10.1515/jobs-2017-0005
Romanovs, U., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2017). Digital Infantry Battlefield Solution. Concept of Operations. Part II. Milrem. http://liia.lv/en/publications/digital-infantry-battlefield-solution-concept-of-operations-part-two-629?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2017). Eiropas Savienības aizsardzības spēju attīstība – riski un iespējas Latvijai. In Atskats uz konferenci “Eiropas projekta 60. gadadiena” (60 Years of the European Project) (pp. 16-18). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. http://liia.lv/en/publications/konferences-kopsavilkums-eiropas-projekta-60-gadadiena-592?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2017). Latvia. In H-P. Bartels, A. M. Kellner, & U. Optenhögel (Eds.), Strategic Autonomy and the Defence of Europe. On the Road to a European Army? (pp. 255-263). Verlag J. H. W. Dietz Nachf. https://dietz-verlag.de/isbn/9783801204983/Strategic-Autonomy-and-the-Defence-of-Europe-On-the-Road-to-a-European-Army
Andžāns, M. (2017). Lettland. In H-P. Bartels, A. M. Kellner, & U. Optenhögel (Eds.), Strategische Autonomie und die Verteidigung Europas. Auf dem Weg zur Europäischen Armee? (pp. 232-240). Verlag J. H. W. Dietz Nachf.
Andžāns, M., & Romanovs, U. (2017). NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia – a Historical Moment but not Yet the End of History. Baltic Rim Economies, (4), 26-27. https://sites.utu.fi/bre/wp-content/uploads/sites/227/2019/04/BRE_4_2017.pdf
Andžāns, M., & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (2017). Perception of the 16+1 and the Belt and Road Initiative: A Perspective from Latvia. In P. Huang, & Z. Liu (Eds.), How the 16+1 Cooperation promotes the Belt and Road Initiative (pp. 124-131). China Social Sciences Press.
Andžāns, M., Bruģe, I., & Sprūds, A. (Ed.) (2017). Psiholoģiskā aizsardzība Latvijā: ievainojamības un iespējas. Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts.
Andžāns, M., & Andžāns, K. (2017). Rail Baltica – dzelzceļš uz atgriešanos Eiropā. In A. Sprūds, V. Ščerbinskis, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), Latvijas ārlietu simtgade. Darbi un personības (pp. 250-263). Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. https://www.lai.lv/publikacijas/latvijas-arlietu-simtgade-darbi-un-personibas-658?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Andžāns, K. (2017). Rail Baltica – the Railroad Back to Europe. In A. Sprūds, V. Ščerbinskis, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), The Centenary of Latvia’s Foreign Affairs. Activities and Personalities (pp. 251-264). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/the-centenary-of-latvias-foreign-affairs-activities-and-personalities-658?get_file=3
Sprūds, A., & Andžāns, M. (Eds.) (2017). Security in the Baltic Sea Region: Realities and Prospects. The Rīga Conference Papers 2017. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/security-in-the-baltic-sea-region-realities-and-prospects-the-riga-conference-papers-2017-643?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Romanovs, U. (2017). The Trilateral Military Cooperation of the Baltic States in the “New Normal” Security Landscape. In A. Sprūds, & M. Andžāns (Eds.), Security in the Baltic Sea Region: Realities and Prospects. The Rīga Conference Papers 2017 (pp. 14-22). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/security-in-the-baltic-sea-region-realities-and-prospects-the-riga-conference-papers-2017-643?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Sprūds, A. (Eds.) (2016). Afterthoughts: Riga 2016 International Forum of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/afterthoughts-of-the-riga-2016-china-and-central-and-eastern-european-countries-564?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Liu, Z. (2016). Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries as the Basis for the Forum Debates. In Forum Introduction. International Forum of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Enhanced Connectivity for Common Advancement (pp. 5-8). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/introductory-reading-think-tank-international-forum-of-china-and-central-and-eastern-european-countries-552?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2016). Francijas solidaritātes meklējumi cīņai pret Daesh. Laiks Pasaulei, (3), 14-16.
Andžāns, M. (2016). Introductory Remarks: The Eternal Quest for Peace Through Wars, and Wars in Evolution. In U. Romanovs (Ed.), Digital Infantry Battlefield Solution. Introduction to Ground Robotics. DIBS project. Part One (pp. 11-13). Milrem. https://liia.lv/en/publications/digital-infantry-battlefield-solution-introduction-to-ground-robotics-562
Andžāns, M., Bruģe, I., Daugulis, M., Rožukalne, A., & Sprūds, A. (2016). Latvijas plašsaziņas līdzekļu noturība pret citu valstu vēstījumiem: Krievijas faktors NATO 2016. gada Varšavas samita kontekstā. Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. http://liia.lv/en/publications/latvijas-plassazinas-lidzeklu-noturiba-pret-citu-valstu-vestijumiem-560?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2016). Die Sorgen der Esten, Letten und Litauer, Rotary Magazine, https://rotary.de/gesellschaft/die-sorgen-der-esten-letten-und-litauer-a-9180.html
Andžāns, M., Bruģe, I., & Sprūds, A. (2016). NATO un Krievijas attiecības: Latvijas intereses formālo ietvaru un attiecību transformācijas kontekstā. Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts. http://liia.lv/upload/content/nato-krievija-2016.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2016). Patching the Shield: The Baltic States on the Road towards Practical NATO Guarantees. The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 25(1), 13-21. https://www.proquest.com/openview/7701aceb2540528a702f407e3cb4edad/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=506345
Andžāns, M. (2016). Prospects of the Development of the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union: Perspectives from Latvia. In A. Sprūds, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), Coping with Complexity in the Euro-Atlantic Community and Beyond: Rīga Conference Papers 2016 (pp. 41-49). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/coping-with-complexity-in-the-euro-atlantic-community-and-beyond-riga-conference-papers-2016-551?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Liu, Z. (2016). Relationship between China and Latvia – Perspective of Latvian Political Science Students. In Forum Introduction. International Forum of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Enhanced Connectivity for Common Advancement (pp. 9-10). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/introductory-reading-think-tank-international-forum-of-china-and-central-and-eastern-european-countries-552?get_file=1
Andžāns, M., & Bruģe, I. (Eds.) (2016). The Baltic Sea Region: Hard and Soft Security Reconsidered. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/the-baltic-sea-region-hard-and-soft-security-reconsidered-558?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2016). The First Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Expectations and Deliverables. In A. Sprūds, & I. Bruģe (Eds.), Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2016 (pp. 27-35). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/site/docs/LIIA_Yearbook_2016.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2016). Transportation Corridors: Prospects for Bringing Latvia and the US Closer. In A. Sprūds, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), Latvia and the United States: Revisiting a Strategic Partnership in a Transforming Environment (pp. 166-175). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/upload/content/liia-lvus-book_for-web.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2016). Vidusāzija – riski un iespējas. Arī Latvijai. Laiks Pasaulei, (4), 40-42.
Andžāns, M. (2015). Paredzamie teroristu uzbrukumi Parīzē un to neparedzamās sekas. Laiks Pasaulei, (2), 9-10.
Andžāns, M. (2015). Practical Aspects of the EU Presidencies: the Latvian Presidency and its Digital Priority. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/en/publications/practical-aspects-of-the-eu-presidencies-the-latvian-presidency-and-its- digital-priority-470?get_file=1
Andžāns, M. (2014). Drošībiskošanas loma reģionālās drošības kompleksu noteikšanā: Baltijas valstu gadījums (2004.–2013. gads). Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. https://doi.org/10.25143/prom-rsu_2014-22_pd
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Andžāns, M. (2014). Securitization in Defining Regional Security Complexes: the Case of the Baltic States (2004-2013): Summary of the Doctoral Thesis. Rīga Stradiņš University. https://doi.org/10.25143/prom-rsu_2014-22_dts
Andžāns, M. (2014). Transition of the Baltic States Sub-region: from the „post-Soviet" to the „EU-Europe" Regional Security Complex? In Daugavpils Universitātes 55. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums: Proceedings of the 55th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University (pp. 454-464). Daugavpils Universitāte. http://www.dukonference.lv/files/proceedings_of_conf/DU_55_starpt_zinatn_konf_rakstu_kraj.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2013). Drošībiskošanas koncepta ierobežojumi. In Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Zinātniskie raksti: 2012.gada sociālo zinātņu nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas (pp. 5-11). (RSU Zinātniskie raksti). Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte.
Andžāns, M. (2013). The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and its impact on Latvia. Politika.lv
Andžāns, M. (2013). Prospects of Regionalization of Security in the Cyberspace: Case of the Baltic States. In XIV starptautiskā zinātniskā konference "Radīt nākotni: komunikācija, izglītība, bizness": XIV International Scientific Conference "Creating the Future: Communication, Education, Business" (pp. 14-24). (Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču rakstu krājums). Biznesa augstskola Turība.
Andžāns, M. (2013). The Northern Distribution Network and Its Implications for Latvia. In A. Sprūds, & D. Potjomkina (Eds.), Northern Distribution Network: Redefining Partnerships within NATO and beyond (pp. 9-29). Latvian Institute of International Affairs. http://liia.lv/site/docs/NDN_redefining_partnerships_within_NATO_and_beyond_LIIA_web_1st_part.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2012). Cargo transportation through Latvia to Afghanistan – from a unique opportunity to development. Latvian Institute of International Affairs. https://liia.lv/en/opinions/cargo-transportation-through-latvia-to-afghanistan-from-a-unique-opportunity-to-development-185
Andžāns, M. (2011). Militāra un ekonomiskā sektora mijiedarbība Latvijā: kravu pārvadājumu uz Afganistānu piemērs. In Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Zinātniskie raksti: 2010. gada sociālo zinātņu nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas (pp. 303-310). Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. https://www.rsu.lv/sites/default/files/book_download/2010_ZR-Soc-LV_356-lpp.pdf
Andžāns, M. (2010). Kooperatīvā drošība NATO darbībā. In Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Zinātniskie raksti: 2009.gada sociālo zinātņu nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas (Vol. 2, pp. 29-36). Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte.
Andžāns, M. (2009). NATO Krievijas valdzinājuma varā. Politika.lv
Andžāns, M. (2008). NATO atgriešanās pagātnē. Politika.lv